Can You Solve This Math Question Within 2 Minutes?

This math question has been making its rounds on the internet, can you find the correct answer?
Math is an interesting an enjoyable subject for some, and a challenging and tricky subject for others.
There are three different variables in this math puzzle, and each line needs to be solved before you can move on to the next one.

Can you solve this?
Chrome + Chrome + Chrome = 24
Firefox + Firefox + Chrome = 20
Firefox x Omini – Omini = 10
Chrome + Firefox ÷ Omini = ??
1. Chrome

Chrome + Chrome + Chrome = 24.
3Chrome = 24
Chrome = 24/3
Chrome = 8
2. Firefox

Firefox + Firefox + Chrome = 20
Firefox + Firefox + 8 = 20
Firefox + Firefox = 12
2Firefox = 12
Firefox = 12/2
Firefox = 6
3. Omini

For this part it’s important to remember the order of operations which are the rules of math stating which procedures to perform first in order to evaluate a given mathematical expression.
The order of operations = PEMDAS = Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction.
Firefox x Omini – Omini = 10
6 x Omini – Omini = 10
Multiply comes before subtract:
6 Omini – Omini = 10
5 Omini = 10
Omini = 10/5
Omini = 2

4. Answer

Chrome + Firefox ÷ Omini = ??
8 + 6 ÷ 2 = ??
PEMDAS: First divide, then add.
8 + 6/2 = ??
8 + 3 = ??
11 = ??
The answer is 11.


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