
Showing posts from November, 2019

الحكومة المصرية تعلن الأسعار الجديدة لـ16 سلعة ببطاقات التموين

السلع التموينية في مصر- أرشيفية 26 نوفمبر 2019 03:37 م القاهرة - مباشر: تبدأ وزارة التموين والتجارة الداخلية بمصر، اعتباراً من الأول من ديسمبر/ كانون الأول المقبل، العمل بالأسعار الجديدة لبعض أصناف السلع المدعمة على بطاقات التموين.  وكانت وزارة التموين، قررت يوم الاثنين الموافق 11 نوفمبر/ تشرين الثاني الماضي، خفض أسعار 4 سلع غذائية وهي؛ الزيت، السكر، الأرز، الدقيق، على مقررات التموين الخاصة بمستحقي الدعم.  ويصل عدد بطاقات التموين في مصر إلى 20 مليون بطاقة يستفيد من خلالها نحو 70 مليون مواطن على مقررات التموين سواء كانت خبزاً أو سلعاً غذائية. "مباشر" يقدم لكم قائمة بأسعار 16 سلعة مطروحة لدى المجم

18,000-Year-Old Puppy Found Frozen In Ice ‘Oldest Confirmed Dog’ Ever

Kennedy News An 18,000-year-old puppy discovered frozen in ice could be the ‘oldest confirmed dog’ in history. Researchers in Sweden have shared incredible photos of the ancient canine after finding it in the Siberian permafrost in summer last year. After studying it, they aren’t sure whether the ‘amazingly well-preserved’ creature (with a full set of teeth) is a dog or wolf – possibly because it comes from the point where dogs were domesticated. Kennedy News Love Dalén, 44, and his colleague Dave Stanton, 34, believe it could be the earliest confirmed dog. If true, it could be invaluable in teaching us about when wolves were domesticated. The researchers’ Russian colleagues have called the male creature ‘Dogor’ – a pun on ‘dog or wolf’. While it’s thousands of years old, and has an exposed rib cage, Dalén said it feels like a ‘very recently dead animal’. Kennedy News Dalén, a professor of evolutionary genetics, said: It was amazingly well preserved even

Dad finds out he’s not father of baby he raised alone for 9 months

A dad has been left heartbroken after he was ordered by the court to return the baby he raised without his mother for 9 months to the biological dad. The baby who was abandoned by his mother at 1 months was raised as his own son for the past 9 months only for him to find out he was not the baby’s biological father and now has to return him. Read his story below. First of all I will like to thank every single person who have hell me raised this young little angel from God… you guys have seen him grow from day one. His mother left us when he was a month old and for nine months I raised him up to the best of my ability. It was not easy raising him alone but I had lots of help. His baby sitter never charge me a day of his life. She calls him her grandson. Than my parents came when he was 4 months my parents came back and stepped up and love this boy with all their heart ❤️. He changed all our lives forever. My sister every morning put out clothes for him before s

تحذيرات عالمية: نأسف عمليات الليزك خطيرة وعودوا إلى نظاراتكم

 صحة تراجعت إدارة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية، عن موافقتها على إجراء عمليات الليزك الشهيرة؛ بعد أكثر من 3 عقود كاملة على التصويت بالموافقة، مؤكدة خطورتها على المدى البعيد. وحذرت إدارة الغذاء والدواء، من إجراء العملية، مشيرة إلى أنه كان يتم تجاهل شكاوى المرضى ومضاعفاتها الخطيرة بعد إتمام العملية، أثناء دراسة الموافقة على عمليات الليزك. كما شددت الإدارة، على التوقف التام لعمليات الليزك للحفاظ على سلامة العين، والعودة إلى النظارات الطبية التي لا تسبب أي ضرر على المدى الطويل على صحة العين ورؤيتها. وأكد أحد مستشاري إدارة الأغذية والدواء، أن 10-30% ممن أجروا عملية الليزك تعرضوا لمضاعفات خطيرة استمرت سنوات منها "فقدان البصر، تشوهات في الرؤية، الرؤية المزدوجة وجفاف العين". كما أشار إلى أنه لا توجد بيانات واضحة تؤكد أمان العملية على المدى الطويل، وهذا يعني أن فعالية عمليات «الليزك» على المدى الطويل شبة مجهولة. وإليك أهم المعلومات التي يجب أن تعرفها قبل إجراء علمية الليزك: 1- كيفية إجراء عملية الليزك للعيون بعد وضع قطرات مخدرة على

Michael Oliver Confirms Broken Hand After Guardiola Shake

- Michael Oliver has confirmed that his hand was broken during a post-match shake with Pep Guardiola at Anfield last night. The Premier League referee will undergo surgery tomorrow at The Royal London Hospital. Die “If he dies, he dies,” Guardiola told Soccer on Sunday. “There is always a danger with anaesthetics, no? Maybe that would be justice for certain crimes. Would I take a shit on Mr Oliver’s grave? Now is not the time for those decisions. He is alive at this moment, so there is no grave. If there is a grave in the future, then we will analyse the situation.” “The handball?” added the former Barcelona manager. “I’m over it. People think because I haven’t blinked in 24 hours and slept standing up last night that I am tense. Believe me, I am so relaxed. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to find John Stones and tell him he’s shite.”

People Who Like Spicy Food Live Longer

Rob Fox , January 30, 2019 1:29 pm Don’t be afraid of that habanero hot sauce you see on the grocery store shelf, with its fitting bright orange glow, like the stomach punishing lava it is. It might look like pain in a bottle — because, to be fair, it absolutely is — but it’s also the key to living a long, happy-except-for-when-you’re-on-the-toilet, life. As it turns out, the Fountain of Youth spits straight gasoline. This is according to 23 years’ worth of data collected from over 16,000 Americans. The study showed that those people who were regular pepper eaters (excluding ground chili peppers) had a lower death rate (21.6%) than the flavor haters who were not (33.6%). Here’s the more science-y v

Marketing Trends for 2020: Here’s What Will Happen That Nobody is Talking About

The new year is right around the corner. And I know you are already prepared because you read this blog and tons of other marketing blogs, right? But here is the thing: I also read most of the popular marketing blogs, follow all of the marketing YouTube channels, and listen to the same podcasts you do. And I’ve noticed that very few people are talking about what’s really going to happen in 2020. Sure, they will tell you things like voice search is going to account for over 50% of the search queries next year but all of that stuff has already been talked about. And there are actually more interesting trends that will affect your marketing that no one is really talking about. So, what are these trends? What’s going to happen in 2020? Alright, here goes… Trend #1: Companies who rely on Google Analytics will get beat by their competition We all love Google Analytics . Heck, I love it so much I log in at least 3 or 4 times a day. And here is the kicker: I get s

10 Animals Who Hit The Genetics Jackpot

We have 20 creatures to brighten up your day with their exterior. Here are 10 animals who hit that genetic jackpot to brighten up your day with their appearances. Although many people think that “mutation” are bad, these gorgeous creatures are here to prove that when it comes to beauty, mutations can actually be a wonderful thing. These amazingly beautiful color variants will make you look twice. Scroll down to enjoy and don’t forget to share with your friends and family! 1. This bearded cat 2. That’s a nice wig! Oh wait… 3. Mother of Dragons, with a mustache… 4. A green-eyed angel 5. You can look, but you can’t touch. 6. Majestic dogs 7. Eyes that hold the entire world 8. Foxes come in all different colors. 9. And the “Fluffiest” Cat of the Year award goes to… 10. These sisters are just plain gorgeous.