How To Make Your Brain Stop Worrying, According To Science

New research shows how to make your brain stop worrying so much. According To California’s National Institute of Mental Health, more than 18% of adults in America suffer from chronic anxiety and depression, which are characterized by excessive tension and worry that further lead to physical problems.

You Actually Have Two Brains

But, did you know that every person has two brains?
Well, actually and structurally we have one, but cognitively we do have two brans – one “thinking” and the other “unthinking.” And, somehow, we tend to first worry than think.
Joseph LeDoix is a New York Scientist who said that “connections from the emotional systems to the cognitive (thinking) systems are stronger than connections from the cognitive systems to the emotional systems.”
The ’emotional systems,’ according to Dr. LeDoix, are the limbic systems in the brain which are responsible for the brain’s emotional response. The limbic system consists of the amygdala and the hippocampus, which are among the oldest brain structures.
The prefrontal cortex (the ‘thinking system’), on the other hand, is among the newest and this is probably why we are susceptible to make bad and stupid decisions no matter how intelligent we are.
So, it is very important for us to learn how to overrule our emotional ‘worrying’ part of the brain and start to use our thinking brain more. Overwhelming and overstimulation usually equal bad decisions.

How can we ‘overrule’ the limbic system?

When you see something you like, your limbic system starts to fire up. Your emotional rain is basically telling the thinking mind what to do. The good news is that you can find a way to override the limbic system and your emotions. The unfortunate news is that this can take hard work and a lot of time. If you are willing to put in the effort, you can enjoy significant rewards.
To help you stay motivated on this journey, pull out a piece of paper. Write down three benefits that you will get if you keep emotions from ruling your life. Spend two to three minutes on this task.
Now that you are done, you are ready to learn how to rewire your mind. This can help you be less stressed and overwhelmed in life. Since you learn to make thinking decisions instead of emotional decisions, you can save money and be more productive.

1. Start Examining Your Irrational Thoughts And Beliefs

We all are guilty of having illogical beliefs and fears that are causing us to see threat where there is no threat involved. These thoughts are usually connected to our trying to live up to someone else’s expectations and worrying when we fall short.
So, try to distinguish between your ‘perfect’ and your ‘actual’ self, find the perfect balance between those two, and you’ll notice an improvement.

2. Talk Your Way Through Your Emotions

Therapists use a treatment process known as cognitive-behavioral therapy to help clients work through irrational beliefs and thoughts. This therapy style basically forces the mind to cognitively work through problems instead of emotionally reacting. People learn how to replace negative thoughts with neutral or positive ways of thinking.

3. Build Self-Confidence Through Self-Control

According to Dr. Susan, people gain confidence and are able to make good decisions when they feel that they have control over themselves and the situation. By beginning to control their problematic behaviors, they are more self-confident and thus more in control over their limbic systems.

4. Set Your Feeling Aside When Faced With An Important Decision

We all know that we can be tricked into doing something mostly when we are emotional. Trial lawyers know this. They know how gullible the human mind is in being governed by emotional arguments.
They use this emotional response of the brain to make the jury’s sympathy for the accused to outweigh their legal duty and liability. So, the more you are able to separate your feelings from your judgment, the more likely you’ll be to make a fair and a reasonable decision.

5. Ask For Support

No one has to retrain the mind alone. A supportive friend can help you see where your feelings are overriding your logic. An emotional response happens quickly, so you need outside help to overcome your limbic system.


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