According To Harvard Psychologists: Parents Who Raise “Good” Kids Do These 5 Things

Times have changed greatly and with new times come new habits, sets of behavior and attitudes that seem very different from the ones we were used to when we were kids.
Today’s generations are all geared up with the newest technology that seems to distract them from the need to go out and play, socialize in the ways we used to or just spend time having fun.
All these changes have brought a great challenge to parents who, if you ask a kid, weren’t fortunate enough to have the benefits of today’s modern technology.
The challenges vary in many ways, but the main things is that today’s parents raise their children way more differently than they were raised and the outcome of those parents’ care is the greatest challenge.
Will my kid learn to be a complete person, the one who pushes forward and a person with good manners, who can bond and communicate with others freely and openly?
Every parent asks the same questions: Am I missing something? Am I doing everything right? Will my child succeed in life?
Psychologists at Harvard University have thought of the same questions and have found that there are several elements that are still very important and basic for every kid’s childhood. The key to upbringing a well-adjusted child in these changing times is not as complicated as you may think.

Here are 5 secrets to raising a good kid, according to Harvard psychologists:

1. Quality time

It’s not enough to just spend time with your children, you need to be with them completely. No Xbox and no IPhone can ever replace the bond a parent has with their child. By communicating with them, listening to them and doing things they enjoy doing, they will learn how to be a considerate and caring person.
When you’re communicating with your child and listening to their dilemmas, it’s very important not to take sides on a situation. You want your child to learn from their experiences through their own perspective.

2. Broad perspectives

In other words, you should teach your children how to see the big picture and its importance. Specifically, children often need help developing broad perspective and expanding their circle of friends in order to develop their character and personality properly that “It is important that children learn to zoom in, listening closely and attending to those in their immediate circle, and to zoom out, taking in the big picture and considering the range of people they interact with every day,” Harvard`s research argues.

3. Appreciation and gratitude

You must avoid spoiling your children so that they will be capable of acknowledging the roles of others in healthy ways; they must appreciate the individuals who contribute to their happiness in order to do this, and children won’t do this if they are spoiled excessively. More specifically, children will likely end up being more helpful, generous, compassionate, forgiving, healthy, and happy if they learn to appreciate people, and happiness itself.
As per Harvard’s study, “Expect children to routinely help, for example, with household chores and siblings, and only praise uncommon acts of kindness. When these kinds of routine actions are simply expected and not rewarded, they’re more likely to become ingrained in everyday actions.”

4. Empathy and ethics

Every parent MUST provide their children with the environment they need to bond and socialize properly. Also, they must show that they are selfless rather than selfish, so that the child ends up being more selfless as well.
As per Harvard’s research, “It’s very important that children hear from their parents and caretakers that caring about others is a top priority and that it is just as important as their own happiness. Even though most parents and caretakers say that children being caring is a top priority, often children aren’t hearing the message.”

5. Moral role models

Children learn mostly from their parents. So you should be very careful about your manners and how you behave in front of your kid. You should not hesitate to apologize in front of your kid if you commit a mistake. Kids have impressionable minds and they acquire things from their surroundings quickly. You should earn the respect and trust of your child by being honest, humble and kind to them and they will learn to behave in a similar manner.


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