Wrapped ginger - removes mucus from your lungs in one night and cures a bad cough

The ginger wrap has no negative effects, but must be prepared carefully, especially for children with their more sensitive skin.

Wrapped ginger - removes mucus from your lungs in one night and cures a bad cough

A persistent cough can ruin your day, and your night, taking away your attention from more pressing problems or preventing you from enjoying the benefits of a good night’s sleep.
istockphoto.com/staras And for a young child, whose immune system might be underdeveloped, a persistent cough could lead to more serious illness.
To treat a persistent cough, a physician would most likely prescribe a cough syrup, without mentioning the possible accompanying side effects and long-term complications of such pharmaceutical solutions.
Two ingredients - dextromethorphan and codeine - usually found in over-the-counter cough medicines can cause headaches, sleeplessness or migraines.
An alternative to the typical cough medicines prescribed by physicians exists, whose ingredients are found more commonly in one’s food closet than the medicine cabinet.
Thoroughly combining raw honey, olive oil, flour and 1 tablespoon of fresh or powdered ginger, apply this mixture to a napkin or cloth, around which you then wrap a strip of gauze.
You then can apply the patch to your chest or back with adhesive tape. Adults can leave the patch on overnight, but be aware, doing so can cause excessive sweating.
For children, the patch can be applied for up to three hours before bedtime.
The ginger wrap has no negative effects, but must be prepared carefully, especially for children with their more sensitive skin.
One parent’s story illustrates the effectiveness of the ginger wrap.
Mary’s young daughter, Sophia, always coughed at night, usually several hours before bedtime. After using the ginger wrap with Sophia, Mary noted that a cough, as well as accompanying congestion, disappeared in several hours.
Ginger and honey have been employed as effective remedies for a variety of ailments for a long time and in the case of persistent coughing once again prove successful. If you find this information of value, please feel free to spread the word.
If you find this information of value, please feel free to spread the post.
Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!


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