Study Shows That A Bad Boss Can Make Employees Sick

Working full time can take a lot out of you. Whether it’s because you’re sitting down for most of the day, working crazy shifts, or just not getting enough sleep, it can take a toll on your body. A lot of people focus on how their jobs can negatively impact their physical health (so they buy a standing desk, or make conscious efforts to break up their stare-at-a-screen time), but what about your mental health?

It turns out the biggest factor about your job that impacts your overall wellbeing isn’t actually about you… it’s about your boss!

You Boss Can Be the Biggest Source of Your Stress at Work

For 75% of Americans, bosses are a major cause of stress at work. A Linkedin article published by Quartz magazine reveals that a bad boss can be as harmful to employees as passive smoking. The article also says that the longer you stay in a job working for someone who stresses you, the greater the damage is to your physical and mental health.
According to Quartz, data from the American Psychology Association shows that 75% of American workers believe their bosses are a major cause of stress at work. However, 59% of them would not leave the job. Statistics show that employees get used to their jobs despite the fact that they are unhappy. This further complicates their process of resignation as they are no longer motivated to search for a healthier working environment which could improve their situation.
Worse than cigarettes Researchers at the Harvard Business School and Stanford University in the United States gathered data from over 200 studies and found that stress at work can be as harmful to the health as the exposure to a considerable amount of smoke from other people’s cigarettes just like passive smoking. The main reason for stress at work for most employees is the risk of losing their jobs. As a consequence, chances are that these employees are 50% more prone to health problems than their colleagues.

Employees in a demanding job are expected to deliver more than they can give and this increases their chances of acute health problems by 35%. Survival In some cases, the problems with the bosses are merely a matter of affinity. However, there are many bosses like Miranda Priestly (from “The Devil Wears Prada”) in real life.
But how do you recognize whether you belong to the first category or the second? Bad bosses are overly aggressive, narcissistic and even violent sometimes. They often say phrases like “We’ve always done it like”, “You can count yourself lucky to even have a job” and “This place is a mess when I’m not around.” Given the present market conditions, it is not an easy decision to quit one’s job and start over entirely. This soon becomes a habit and the level of motivation sinks.

5 Tips on How To Motivate Your Employees and Be a Great Boss

As a boss, you are not only responsible for yourself, but a team. It’s important to keep those around you motivated to build a positive work environment that not only improves productivity but the mental health of the team.

1. Be a Role Model

By being passionate and involved in your work you will not only be helping yourself but also your employees. Show them that you are excited to be there and also want to enjoy your time at work. Be positive and enthusiastic and others are sure to follow!

2. Reward and Encourage

Give feedback that not only improves their work but encourages them. If they do a good job let them know! Reward them when they exceed expectations to build confidence and motivate them to continue to do well.

3. Get to Know Your Team

Work not only as a team but with each individual person. Create personal goals with them and build a mentoring relationship. Get their opinions on the work environment and how they prefer to work. By spending the time with them individually you can create a better understanding of how they contribute to the team.

4. Promote a Work-Life Balance

Create fun initiatives to help motivate and boost the mood of the workplace. Let employees know that it’s ok to take vacation time and that you understand that they have a life outside of the workplace as well. It might even be a good idea to have “recognition rituals” when the team can come together. Have some fun and celebrate the hard work they people have contributed to the company.

5. Be Transparent

Build an open-door policy, be open to suggestions and ideas. Let them know that their voice matters. It’s also good to communicate with them, making sure that they also know what’s happening within the company. This builds trust and allows everyone to feel more involved with the company.
Do you agree with this article? Let us know and pass this on to all the people in your life who have been affected by a bad boss!


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