People Who Like To Be Alone Have These 12 Special Personality Traits

We all know someone who truly thrives among the company of others. They are often described as the life of the party, and purposely plant themselves right in the center of the action. They need frequent human interaction and may experience feelings of sadness and isolation when left to their own devices.
For a loner, the complete opposite is true. It’s not that they dislike or hate being with other people, but they focus more on quality over quantity when it comes to their own personal relationships. They like to take their time and develop deeper, longer lasting connections with a select few, versus having a large number of casual acquaintances.
Time is also extremely important to a loner, so they want to make sure they’re spending it wisely. For a loner, alone time is not only a desire, but an absolute necessity in maintaining a healthy sense of balance and sanity.
Which type of person best describes you? Do you prefer to be alone, or in the company of others?

Here are 10+ Special Personality Traits Commonly Shared Among People Who Prefer To Be Alone:

1. Value Time

Loners treasure their time. They know what they love and hate and won’t go to just any event, simply just to get out of the house. Instead, they are much choosier about whom they choose to spend their time with and will pour their energy into places and things they are passionate about.
A loner realizes the value in pouring their energy and time into things they are passionate about and the people who matter to them are always a priority. If a loner seeks you out, you know you must be worthy of their time, as a loner doesn’t require any company.

2. Self-aware

Many people choose to ignore their thoughts and emotions. Loners choose to embrace these feelings and become fully aware of them. Self-awareness is very important and difficult to achieve.
Loners know themselves better than anyone else, and this allows them to understand those around them better. Everyone has periods of depressive and discouraging thoughts, but loners are able to navigate through them.

3. Level-headed

They’re the mirror embodiment of ‘zen’ during apocalyptic situations. It is extremely difficult to anger them. Their dissociation from the humdrum of the world and frequent introspection has left them better equipped to deal with all possible circumstances.
When they are negatively affected by workload or stress, they crave some alone-time to heal.

4. Open-minded

Even though they like being alone, this does not make them rigid and close-minded. On the contrary, they are extremely open-minded and are always up for new idea and activities.
They don’t plan to spend their entire lives in their bedroom. They enjoy exploring and going on new adventures. However, you’ll need to make sure you give them their alone time before going anywhere that involves several people.

5. Loyal

Often when you heard the word “loner” you automatically assume this must mean that they don’t have any friends. This is not often the case. A loner does have friends, but instead of obtaining large groups of friends, they tend to be much pickier and choosy about the company they keep.
Since they don’t require the attention of others to make them happy, they can be more selective about whom they spend their time with. For those lucky enough to be chosen by a loner, you can count on them to make a trustworthy, reliable friend that you can always count on.

6. Clear Boundaries

Their walls are distinct. They know their zones of comfort, anger, happiness, and bad memories. They always respect your private space, because they know the value of it, and will not trespass. You are expected to return the same treatment to them. When you are stepping on a boundary, they will push you off the line.

7. Aware Of Their Weaknesses/Strengths

Loners are more than aware of what their weaknesses and strengths are. However, they know that there is always room to improve no matter how good they think they’re doing.
Regardless of being self aware with these imperfections, they still hold their heads high to show others that it is okay to be confident with who you are.

8. Very Empathetic

Loners are hyper aware of their own feelings and the feelings of those around them. They are willing to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes so to speak, and understand and respect the needs of other people.

9. No One Is Perfect

Loners know that they are far from the embodiment of all godly virtues, and they’re okay with that. They would not trade their skin for any others, and that is really commendable. Being happy with yourself is very difficult to achieve, and these people seem to ace the game. The best quality of their self-love is their honesty about their own selves.

10. Guided By Intuition

Loners are highly driven by their own intuition. Their gut feelings are strong, and intense and can alert them of danger or warn them when something doesn’t feel right. They can often get a strong sense of someone right off the bat with little to no direct interaction with them. This can be a good or bad thing, as it may be hard to get on a loner’s good side if their first impression of you wasn’t a positive one.

11. Never Codependent

There is never a time in your life where you feel as if you need to depend on someone else for anything at all.
You prefer to be your own person, even if you are in a relationship with someone else you still prefer to do things your own way.
Being dependent on someone else for trivial needs is something you try to avoid and will go great lengths to show others just how capable you are being on your own.

12. Filled With Kindness And Compassion

You love to demonstrate the meaning of compassion as well as kindness to others so that they can understand that spreading love is a necessary piece of your existence.
Showing others just how passionate are with the things that you love to do most as well as being with the people that you love most.
This is one of the best qualities to a personality that not everyone gets to witness.
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