6 Piriformis Stretches To Help You Get Rid Of Sciatica, Hip And Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a health issue that affects many people worldwide. About sixty to eighty percent of people in the United States are experiencing some type of back pain. No matter what kind of back pain you’re suffering from (sciatica or slight back pain), you could enhance your back health by increasing the flexibility and strength of the muscles supporting your back – in particular those found in your hip, back, abdominal and pelvic area. You can do so by doing some simple stretches for lower back pain.

Here Is Why You Should Do Stretches for Lower Back Pain:

Have you ever pulled your back while lifting something heavy? You can prevent it by making sure that your back can comfortably reach certain positions as well as get out of those positions.
Stretches for lower back pain may help you with both of these elements. It goes without saying that doing stretches can increase your flexibility and help you access a greater motion range. It can also help in strength building.
It is important to understand that in case you have a greater motion range, you’ll be more comfortable in specific positions, such as a squat. It can also stabilize your core, enhance your posture and prevent lower back injury.
IMPORTANT: Before starting any type of stretches and exercises, you should always consult your spine specialist first.
The following stretches can help support your back in multiple ways

Alleviate Your Lower Back Pain with These Six Stretches:

1. Standing Piriformis Stretch

Stand and put the painful leg over the other leg’s knee, lower the hips toward the floor at a 45-degree angle, while bending the knee of the standing leg, lean forward and extend the arms to be parallel to the ground. With a straight spine, hold for 30-60 seconds, and switch legs.

2. Seated Stretch

You should start by sitting on a chair, with the affected leg over the other leg’s knee. Then, bring the chest forward and bend forward a bit, and hold for a few breaths. Then, try to bend a bit more, and remain thus for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

3. Supine Piriformis Stretch

In a lying position with the knees bent upwards, cross the painful leg over the other by bending it upwards toward your chest. Then, with one hand, grab one knee, and the ankle with the other.
Pull gently toward the shoulder in line with the ankle, and hold for half a minute.

4. Long Adductor (Groin) Stretch

Sitting on the floor, stretch the legs straight out and far apart. Then, slowly tilt the torso forward toward the ground and put the hands on the floor next to each other. Lean forward in an attempt to touch the elbows to the ground, and hold for 10 to 20 seconds.

5. Short Adductor (Inner Thigh) Stretch

Sit on the floor and put the soles of your feet together in front of the pelvis. With the opposite hands, hold the ankles, push downward with the knee in order to touch the ground with them, and hold for half a minute.
Release and in the next 30 seconds, flutter the legs in that position (like a butterfly).

6. Supine Piriformis Side Stretch

Lying on the ground with the legs flat and the back straight, bend the painful leg upward, and put the foot on the outer side of the other leg, close to the knee.
With the other leg, pull the knee of the painful leg across the midline of the body, and hold for 30 seconds. Make 3 repetitions.
Source: http://healthy-life-box.com


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