She Discovered This Poem Her Mom Had Written To Her Army Dad, Titled “But You Didn’t”.

Remember the day, I borrowed your brand new car and dented it?
I thought you’d kill me,
But you didn’t.
Remember the day, I vomited strawberry pie all over your new carpet?
I thought you’d hate me,
But you didn’t.
Remember that day, I dragged you to the beach, and it really was raining as you said it would?
I thought you’d say, “I told you so!”,
But you didn’t.
Remember that day, I flirted with all the guys to make you jealous, and you really get jealous?
I thought you’d leave me,
But you didn’t.
Remember that day, I forgot to tell you that dance was a formal wear, and you ended up wearing jeans?
I thought you’d abandon me,
But you didn’t.
Yes, there were lots of things you didn’t do,
but you put up with me,
loved me,
protected me.
There were lots and lots of things I wanted to make up to you, when you returned from Vietnam,
But you didn’t.
The author of this ‘heart-breaking’ poem was an ordinary American woman, whose husband was drafted into the army and went to the battlefields of Vietnam when their daughter was four years old. From that point on, she and daughter only had each other.
Later, her husband died on the battlefield. She was widowed until she died of old age.
When her daughter was organizing her remains, she discovered this poem her mother had written to her father back then, titled “But you didn’t”.


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