If You Present Any Of These 7 Signs, It Means That You Have Reincarnated Many Times

Some think that reincarnation happens in any living creature, and the better someone has behaved in one life, the better the creature will touch in the next.
If you are in that world percentage of people who believe in reincarnation (or not), we have 7 signs to discover if you have reincarnated several times. Find out if this is not your first life!

1. Your dreams are repeated, again and again.
Dreams reflect the unconscious mind, and recurring dreams are not always a symptom of some trauma, they can also show images of your past lives. Several people have said that they experienced very specific events, that they saw certain people, or that they had been aware of places totally alien to their real life, but that somehow identify them.
2. You have a strong instinct.
Intuition is the ability to connect the conscious mind with the unconscious to obtain the necessary wisdom and to be able to solve a specific situation. It’s something we all have, that inner voice that speaks to us, sometimes shouts at us, and many of us listen to it more often than others. But, sometimes, this force surpasses the natural and rubs the lands of a seer.
3. The intriguing Déjà vu.
The term is French and literally means “already seen”. It’s like having an overwhelming sense of familiarity with something you’re not familiar with at all. A strange feeling of having previously experienced some moment, some event, some place, some person. Some attribute it to a neurological dissonance, others claim that it reflects the possibilities of other dimensions. Others, however, believe that it reveals a little more of the past lives that person has had.

4. Precognition.
Precognition is a type of “Vision of the Future”, where you know and you get information about events that have not yet happened, and they come to you in the form of visions, feelings, and / or sensations. It is not entirely clear why it can happen. Maybe there is a kind of collective consciousness formed by the thoughts of all the people that flows most easily through those who have already reincarnated. But we can not affirm anything.
5. You do not belong to this world, nor to this time.
You feel discomfort, annoyance with everyone around you, and a strong yearning surrounds you to find your true home, your own time. This can be the result of a call, that mystical place where all the souls come together, because it is said that the “essences” that already fulfilled their mission and their cycle, feel a basic need to return home.
6. A strong emotional connection with specific cultures or periods of history.
Let’s say you were born in 1990, but you do not miss any movie, book, or anything, from the 20’s years. Maybe you were born in Bogotá, but you feel at home when you visit Lisbon. You feel a strong attachment to another place and another time that has no logical explanation. It is a clear sign of having a strong interest in different periods of time and cultures, because some of your past lives happened in those places and in those times.
7. Fears and unexplained phobias.
For example, it is possible that in your childhood you had a terrible experience in a river, in the sea or in a swimming pool, but you do not remember it. Our brain can block traumatic memories, as a survival mechanism. On the other hand, a phobia can exist without any apparent context. This is something that happens naturally.
However, experiencing a strange fear, the spiders, the knives, the weapons, without having had any negative experience with any of them, it is possible that they are the result of remembering the death or some terrible trauma of some past life.
Source: .tepegaste.com


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