Chinese Face Map Reveals What Part Of Your Body Is Sick And How To Fight It

Reading faces to detect diseases was a common practice among Chinese healers for centuries. Facial skin gives insight about the health of your internal problems faster than other parts of the body. Skin issues, like redness, dry patches, or acne, can be directly connected with the functioning of your organs.
With this being said, face mapping can be described as a useful tool for diagnosing internal health problems and addressing them properly.

What is Face Mapping?

Face mapping, especially the location of your acne or skin breakouts, is a proven method for detecting health problems. This ancient practice has long been celebrated as the most effective non-invasive method that helps people to identify and treat a variety of diseases.
As mentioned above, this practice rests on the belief that the skin on your face is directly linked to an internal organ of your body. Or in other words, looking at your face is the key to determining the health of your internal organs.

Diet and Lifestyle Face Mapping

From hormonal imbalances to smoking, your face may be trying to tell you something really important! Health issues caused by external factors, like anxiety or stress, can lead to acne flare up on your skin. Nearly all of these conditions or substances are within your power!


  • Puberty
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Stress
  • Poor circulation


  • Excessively touching your face
  • Bacteria build-up from dirty pillows and cell phones
  • Smoking

Chin, Jaw, and Neckline

  • Regular consumption of processed sugars
  • Candida
  • Hormones
  • Excess consumption of starchy foods

Face Mapping by Organ

While the list above is helpful in determining the diet and lifestyle factors that cause acne, pinpointing the exact location of skin flare-ups is a tested method in finding a connection with a specific organ in the body. Or in other words, if you have ruled out the issues presented above, then locating the specific organ at risk is the next logical step.

1. Forehead: Bladder and Small Intestine

Cause: Consuming too much fat and low-fiber foods slows down the digestion process. Alcohol, sugar, and stress are other factors that negatively affect the digestive system. All these factors lead to poor digestion, toxin buildup, and dehydration.
Solution: Drink plenty of water (10-12 glasses daily), eat more organic foods, avoid drinking alcohol, and try to have a better sleep at night. It is also recommended to drink green tea more often because it helps remove harmful toxins from the body.

2. Between the Eyebrows: Liver

Cause: When you consume a lot of meat, your stomach is working too much and doesn’t get the rest it needs, which leads to decreased liver function. Individuals whose liver is not functioning properly (or have liver disease) have been known to develop acne on noses. If you persistently have acne in this area, it means that you have impaired liver function.
Solution: You should eat healthier and fresh foods, get more exposure to fresh air, and engage in physical activities more often.

3. Eye Area and Eyebrow Arch: Kidneys

Cause: The skin around your eyes is directly connected to your kidneys. If you always have dark under-eye circles, this may be an indication of reduced kidney function, malnutrition, or dehydration. Heavy smoking, drinking too much alcohol, poor blood circulation, and a weakened heart are other causes for breakouts in this area.
Solution: Drink a lot of water (10-12 glasses daily), reduce your caffeine intake and avoid sweetened drinks and alcohol.

4. Upper Part of the Cheeks: Lungs

Cause: Having acne at the upper part of your cheeks means that you are inhaling high quantities of polluted air. Also, there is a possibility of dark circles around your eyes.
Solution: Reduce your exposure to polluted air or cigarette smoke (even second-hand smoke). If you are a smoker, try to quit it as soon as possible. You should also engage is physical activities more often.

5. Cheeks: Lungs and Kidneys

Cause: Having acne at the lower cheek is a clear sign of a poor dental hygiene. To deal with this problem, you should regularly brush and floss your teeth, and avoid foods and drinks that are rich is sugar. Other causes include smoking, stress, and unhealthy foods.
Solution: Avoid eating the unhealthy foods, and use only high quality or natural cosmetic products.

6. Nose: Heart

Cause: Your nose is directly connected to your heart health. Swelling, redness or acne on the nose have been linked to hypertension and high blood pressure.
Solution: Reduce your salt consumption, increase the intake of fruits and veggies, and exercise more often. You should drink organic green tea more often in order to eliminate the harmful toxins from your body.

7. Mouth and Chin: Stomach

Cause: Eating foods that are full of fat and sugar, drinking too much alcohol, and staying up late in the night too often can cause acne in this area.
Solution: Consume fermented foods more often and try to increase your intake of fruits and veggies.

8. Jaw and Neck: Hormones

Cause: High intake of salt and drinking small amounts of water. The high consumption of caffeine can also cause problems.
Solution: Reduce your intake of salt and caffeine, and drink plenty of water every day.


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