6 Signs That You May Have High Cholesterol

Before we cover the different signs of high cholesterol, it is important to point out that the only way to know for sure is with a blood test. If you do have high cholesterol, your doctor needs to diagnose the condition and make the right treatment plan. High cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease, so it is important to diagnose it early to reduce potential complications.
A blood test is also important because high cholesterol can be silent. Your cholesterol levels may already be high, but you might not have any symptoms. You can feel healthy for years and suddenly develop heart disease without realizing that you have the problem.
If you do have the following symptoms, then you might have high cholesterol. Some of these symptoms can be a sign of other illnesses, so it is important to get treated by your doctor. With a blood test and a physical exam, your doctor can figure out exactly what is wrong.

1. Yellow Growths May Develop On Your Eyelids

This is one obvious sign of cholesterol issues. Painless, yellow growths may start to form on your upper and lower eyelids. These growths are known as xanthelasma. While they will not hurt your vision, they are a sign of high cholesterol. Doctors can remove the growths using lasers and acids. To prevent them from returning, you have to control your blood cholesterol.

2. A Gray-Colored Ring Around Your Corneas

This is another potential sign to look out for. In a well-lit room, stand next to a mirror and look at your eyes. This symptom will look like a gray arc or ring around the cornea. The cornea is the section of the eye that covers your iris. In medical terminology, this arc is known as a circumferential arcus. It happens in older individuals a lot, so be on alert for it. If you are under the age of 45, it is generally a sign of high cholesterol. The gray ring that you see is actually created by excessive amounts of cholesterol that gather within your cornea.

3. Tingling Sensations In Your Feet And Hands

For your blood to circulate property, your arteries and veins have to be open. When you have high cholesterol, your veins and blood vessels begin to become clogged. This can block your blood from reaching the extremities of your body like your hands or feet. When this happens, your peripheral nerves do not get enough nutrients and oxygen from the blood. As a result, it feels like your hands and feet are tingling.

4. A Pain In The Back Of Your Head Or Neck

This can be a sign of other medical conditions, so it is important to get checked out by your doctor. If you have a pain in your neck or head, it could also be a sign of high cholesterol. This occurs because some of your blood vessels are blocked. Your blood is unable to circulate properly, so you can end up feeling pain in your neck, shoulders and head. This is especially true if you have a nagging headache focused around the back of your head.

5. Pounding Or Rapid Heartbeat

Heart palpitations can happen because you were exercising or under stress. Certain medications or anxiety can also cause heart palpitations. If you cannot find another reason for your palpitations, it could be caused by problems in your cardiovascular system. If you have high cholesterol, your blood vessels become clogged. As a result, your heart has to work harder to pump the same blood.

6. An Unhealthy Lifestyle And Diet

This might not be a sign of high cholesterol right away, but it can eventually lead to high cholesterol. There are certain lifestyle decisions that can cause your cholesterol levels to skyrocket. Drinking excessive alcohol and eating fatty food are both risk factors. If you are overweight and never exercise, you are more likely to have high cholesterol. To reduce your risks, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and fiber. You should avoid smoking and drinking as well.
Keep your friends from developing heart disease by telling them about the common signs of high cholesterol.
Source: https://www.dailybroccoli.com/


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