25 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water Every Day

Here Are 25 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water Every Day
1. It Minimizes Bacteria – It helps prevent the growth and multiplication of pathogenic bacteria that cause infections and diseases
2. Lemons contain Pectin Fiber – Pectin Fiber is very beneficial for colon health and also serves as a powerful antibacterial
3. Freshened Breath – Have you ever rubbed a lemon on your hands to remove a powerful stench? It’s thought to neutralize odors. The same folk remedy may apply to bad breath.
4. You feel hydrated – Your Electrolytes are suddenly replenished, and your body is fully hydrated and ready to tackle the day!
5. You are experiencing less pain because the lemon water is healing your joints – You can expect a decrease in not only bone pain, but muscle pain too.
6. Your Digesting your food better than ever – You feel full, with little gas and discomfort. The citric acid in lemons are aiding your stomach by helping dissolve all that gunk!
7. You Gain Alkalinity – When your body is alkaline, you fight off diseases more efficiently! Lemon water naturally increases your pH level.
8. Softer Skin – Since lemons are so packed full of vitamin C, they are excellent for your skin. You will soon notice you have better color, and your skin is much softer!

9. Protect Your Fetus – When you’re pregnant, your fetus will absorb lots of nutrients, but it can also forget a few. Lemon water helps aid the fetus in making sure it gets some important compounds it might be missing otherwise.
10. Relieve Heartburn – If you mix a teaspoon of lemon juice per half glass of water, your heartburn will go away for good.
11. Your Liver Performance is Sky High – Like we talked about earlier, your liver loves lemons. It will produce more enzymes thanks to the lemon water.
12. Your Liver is releasing all the toxins it has been building up for years – The citric acid is helping break that stuff down, so the liver can flush it out for good!
13. You breathe better – Lemon water is a strong anti-inflammatory, and is a super useful tool for increasing your respiratory function.
14. You become more regular – Lemon water regulates bowel movements!
15. Reduce Depression and Anxiety – Because of the lemon’s high content of potassium, you feel better mood wise. Lowered potassium has been linked to depression and anxiety in several different cases.
16. You Probably Haven’t Gotten Sick Since You Started – Lemons are such a powerful antioxidant, that they can strengthen your immune system.

17. Lowered Blood Pressure – If you have blood pressure issues, lemons are here for the rescue. It is estimated that lemon water can reduce your blood pressure by at least 10%.
18. Strengthened blood vessels – Lemon water has vitamin P, which causes your blood vessels to be be strengthened. This can produce improved cardiac health overall.
19. Neutralize Free radicals – The vitamin C in lemons helps to naturally neutralize free radicals that have been linked to different diseases.
20. It Dissolves Digestive Parasites – the acidic nature of lemons can kill parasites on the spot.
21. Cancer Fighting Abilities – lemons are known for their ability to fight cancer. Several studies have found that cancer can’t thrive in an alkaline environment that the lemon produces.
22. Rids High Fever – Lemons are great for eliminating the source of a high fever.
23. Oral Health – Lemon water can cure gingivitis, and can even soothe toothaches.
24. Kidney Stones – Lemon is not only great for dissolving kidney stones, but it also dissolves gallstones, pancreatic stones, and calcium deposits too.
25. Increased Weight Loss – Full of pectin fiber, lemons are a great natural way to stimulate weight loss.

1. Lemon is one of nature’s top seven potassium sources. Potassium is a mineral that promotes clear thinking and aids in normalizing blood pressure, and when paired with sodium, it can regulate the body’s water balance.
2. Lemon has been known to act as an insect repellent.
3. Gargle with the juice of one lemon plus an equal amount of hot water for an antibacterial mouthwash.
4. A tablespoon of fresh lemon juice has only four calories.
5. Christopher Columbus brought citrus trees to Haiti in 1493.
6. Lemon trees can grow up to 20 feet tall.
7. In the Victorian age, lemon trees were a sign of wealth and prestige.
8. Fully grown lemon trees can produce up to 600 pounds of lemons per year.
9. Fashionistas from the Renaissance era used lemon juice to redden their lips.
10. Cattle will choose to eat lemons rather than oranges, grapefruits, apples, and peaches.
In a time when many people are going back to eating natural, healthier food that nourishes their bodies, there is no better food to add to your nutrition plan than lemon. One of the best and easiest ways to add lemon into your diet is in your water.
Many people want to improve their health, feel more energized, and look younger and more vibrant, and what better way to achieve this than by adding a little fresh lemon to your water in the mornings?
The disease-preventing properties of lemon and the hydration from the water make this a powerful healthy duo. If you don’t already drink warm lemon water in the mornings, make tomorrow your day to add this small but life-changing habit to your daily routine!
Source: http://healinglifeisnatural.com


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