The Secret TRUTH About Why Native Americans Keep Their Hair Long

Could it be that hair actually serves a much bigger purpose to us than what is imposed. Society believes that hair is a matter of personal preference, style and/or convenience. How people wear their hair is usually a cosmetic matter, and switch it up and as new fads and trends pop up. But now an intriguing even from the Vietnam War is suggesting otherwise. During the war, military experts were searching American Indian Reserves for navigators. They were looking for strong, young men that could move in stealth across rugged terrain. Often times they would look for someone with almost supernatural tracking abilities. After they found these certain indigenous american men, they carefully documented their abilities, and if found them suited for the position, they would be enlisted.
It appeared however, as soon they were enlisted and went through the necessary rituals of joining, the skills or talents they seemed to possess on the reserve, vanished. After many failures, the recruits were asked why the skills they once had, they no longer did. Without hesitation, many of the elder recruits replied saying that when they received the mandatory haircut, they could no longer “sense” the enemies. The “sixth sense” they once relied on, they could no longer reach. Their intuition became unreliable and they could no longer see the subtle signs, or access extrasensory information.

This intrigued the researching institute to look further into the problem. They enlisted new men, but let them keep their hair this time. After testing them, they paired up two with similar abilities, but one of them was to receive the mandatory haircut. They re-took the tests they once did at the beginning to see how they now paired up. The man that was allowed to keep his long hair got the higher score every time. The man that was forced to get the military haircut, had started to fail all the tests he previously passed.

One example of a test they performed went like this: The recruit would be sleeping in the woods, when an enemy who was armed approached. Feeling the presence of his enemy, the long haired recruit would sense the danger before even hearing any sounds made. He could sense the attack from afar, thanks to his “sixth sense.” Lying still until the attacker made his move, the man would surprise him and pass the test. They would then have the man cut his hair, and he would fail the test he had just previously aced. This led to Native American trackers being exempt from getting their haircut if joining the military.

The hair is an extension of the nervous system, comprised of “feelers” that allow huge amounts of information to be transmitted to the brain and limbic system. It has been found that facial hair in men can have a similar effect. Hair can also emit energy into the world, transferred from the brain, outside of the body, and into one’s surroundings. Evolution has designed the human body to make it seem that our survival skills seem supernatural at times. There is a purpose for everything on and in our bodies, a reason beyond a means for improving self image.



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